What Should You Know About Auto Insurance Coverage, Requirements, and Options?

What Should You Know About Auto Insurance Coverage, Requirements, and Options?

Coverage generally Different levels of coverage may protect consumers depending on which insurance policy they purchase. Coverage is sometimes seen as 20/40/15 or 100/300/100. The first two numbers seen are for medical coverage. In the 100/300 example, the policy will pay $100,000 per person up to $300,000 total for all people. The last number covers…

Traffic signs

Traffic signs

To convey the message immediately, the roadway signs in the US use symbols rather than words. The use of symbols is not bothered by any language barriers, and can be instant communication for drivers and pedestrians in order to manage the transportation and the traffic safety. According to Federal Highway Administration, it states “the color…

Traffic Law in The USA

Traffic Law in The USA

For driving in the United States, each state and territory has its own traffic code or rules of the road, although most of the rules of the road are similar for the purpose of uniformity, given that all states grant reciprocal driving privileges (and penalties) to each other’s licensed drivers. There is also a “Uniform Vehicle Code” which was proposed…