Towable Offenses

Parking on Private Property:

Many apartment, condominium, and townhouse

communities, as well as some businesses require

vehicles to display a parking sticker or permit. Any

vehicle parked on the premises not in compliance

with the restrictions and/or designations, and without

the proper permit, may be towed at the property

owner’s request. This towing is performed by private

contractors, and recovering one’s vehicle can be very

expensive and inconvenient.

 Snow Emergency Routes:

During a declared snow emergency, certain streets and

highways are often designated as “snow emergency

routes.” All vehicles parked on these designated city

streets must be moved to allow the snowplows to clear

the pavement for traffic. Failure to move from a marked

area during a declared snow emergency will result in a

ticket and/or towing.

Parking Signs:

Under no circumstances should anyone park where

there are signs indicating NO PARKING or NO PARKING

ANYTIME. A sign that indicates NO STANDING or NO

STOPPING means that a driver may not wait in his/her

vehicle at that location. Violation of these posted signs

will result in a ticket and possible towing.

 Handicapped Parking:

Unless you have special license plates with the

international handicap symbol or a special handicap

permit displayed, you MAY NOT park in a space

reserved for the use of handicapped persons. Violation

of this parking restriction will result in a ticket and a fine,

as well as possible towing.

Parking is Prohibited:

  • In front of a driveway
  • On a sidewalk
  •  Within an intersection
  •  In a bus stop zone
  •  Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
  •  Alongside or opposite any street excavation
  •  On a highway bridge or in a tunnel
  •  Next to a curb painted yellow or red

Unregistered Vehicle or Expired Vehicle Registration:

Vehicles must maintain valid and current registration,

including local requirements, at all times. Vehicles failing

to display valid and current vehicle registration decals

are subject to a fine and possible towing. In addition,

if a used vehicle is purchased and has state safety

inspection and registration stickers on the windshield,

they should be removed because diplomatic vehicles

are not required to have state safety inspection or

registration stickers issued by a state Department of

Motor Vehicles.